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KORG Pa, KRONOS, juzisound 2

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The easiest way to play authentic world sounds, jam to global rhythms & learn ethnic microtonal music scales. Take a sonic tour through Asia to Latin America, from the Middle East to the Mediterranean - all with our premium sound packs. "This is the best app I've ever used. This is a treasure chest for a musician!!!" - App Store Review "The Duduk sound is AMAZING...Truly, worth the price of admission for that sound alone." - App Store Review The TAQS.IM World Synthesizer gives you incredible sounds, scales, and rhythms… delivered right to your iPhone or iPad. Play world sounds, practice world rhythms, learn world microtonal music scales, and hold drones for days as an accompaniment. We partnered with producers from across the globe to bring you authentic sounds and rhythms from each world genre. Expand your musical horizons by playing Arabic, Armenian, Turkish, Persian, Balkan, European, Greek, Mediterranean, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Klezmer, Latin & South American sounds, scales and rhythms. Play world sounds such as Duduk, Erhu, Sitar, Koto, Gamelan, Santur, Bouzouki, Kanun, Ney, Kaval, Oud, Rababa, Dulcimer, Ocarina, Frula, Gaida, Zurla, Cumbus, Baglama, Saz, Mey, Kenas, Pan Flute, Requinto, and more. Play more traditional sounds such as Piano, Saxophone, Clarinet, Violin, Strings, Trumpet, Brass, Accordion, Organ and more. Play lead synth sounds from the Casio CZ-101, Oberheim OB-8, Prophet 5, Yamaha DX7, Roland SH-2000 and more used in world music Practice World Rhythms such as Bossa Nova, Rumba, Salsa, Samba, Jazz, Ciftetelli, Vahde, Ayoub, Beledi, Katakufti, Maksoum, Malfouf, Zaffa, Choby, Fox, Laff, Saidi, Cocek, Horo, Tsiftitelli, Kyucek, Rachenica, Tallava, Zembekiko, Palio, Eksaria, Kalamatiano, Syrto, Tsamiko, Xasapiko, Keherwa, Bhajani, Dadra, Deepchandi, Ektaal, Jhaptaal, Kaharwa, Rupak, Teentaal, Bandari, Lezginka, and more. Learn Makam, Raga, and World Scales such as Beyati, Hijaz, Rast, Saba, Segah, Aeolian, Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian, Blues Scale, Raag Marwa, Raag Bhairav, Chinese, Hungarian, Mongolian, Roma, Ethiopian Tizita, Ethiopian Anchihoye, and more. Hold Drones for Days with Analog Pads, Duduk Drones, Tamburas, Strings, or Zurnas. Save your Favorite Sounds and Rhythms for live use for quick access. Sync the app with Ableton Link to integrate with your studio, software, and hardware gear. DJ's - sync your live sets with our rhythms for some world flavor. Start your worldwide musical journey with the TAQS.IM World Synth Synthesizer. Features • Premium Sound Packs from Across the World • Ableton Link Support • Layer and Split Sounds • Save Favorite Sounds and Rhythms • Microtonal Real-Time Scale Converter • World, Middle Eastern, and Raga scales • World Rhythms • Highlighting of keys in scale • Inter-app Audio (IAA) • AudioBus Support • MIDI in (Control with a MIDI Keyboard or AudioBus/IAA) • Filter Section • Envelope Section • FX Section: Octaver, Phaser, Autowah, Delay, Reverb Make sure to check out our Podcast, Blog, Radio Station, Sounds, Community, and more on https://taqs.im - Your Gateway to Middle Eastern Sound.

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منشور من طرف


Yousuf Ibarra

عضو منذ 06/03/2020

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