
بيتش باند الاورغ عن طريق الهاتف

Pitch Bend Controller

نتائج : 20

Xfer Records OTT is a free re-creation of a popular aggressive multiband upwards/downwards compressor set-up used by many dubstep and electro producers.


IVGI can deliver very soft and subtle saturation, that feels at home on the master buss. It is equally capable of very dense and dirty distortion effects to spice up single tracks. IVGI's base sound is comparable to the DESK mode in the big brother SDRR. Just as SDRR , IVGI reacts dynamically to the input signal


Youlean Loudness Meter helps you find the true perceived loudness of your audio and prepares it for TV or streaming services release.


Add a touch of vintage flair to your tracks with a plug-in that's part time machine. iZotope's Vinyl uses advanced filtering, modeling and resampling to create an authentic "vinyl" simulation,


The bx_subfilter is just the ticket for adding clarity and definition to tracks that have troublesome low frequencies.


Marvel GEQ is a linear-phase 16-band graphic equalizer AAX, AudioUnit and VST plugin with multi-channel operation support (supporting up to 8 input/output channels, audio host application-dependent) for professional streaming, sound and music production applications. Marvel GEQ offers extensive internal channel routing capabilities, and supports mid/side channel processing.


FerricTDS is Inspired by the smooth dynamic shaping capabilities of some high-end reel-to-reel tape recorders.


يمكنك عزيزي تحميل مكتبة الكونتاكت كاملة على موقعنا فمكتبة الكونتاكت مجانية من صاحبها للأمانةو واردت أن اشاركها معكم فيمكنك أن تستعمل هده المكتبة للكونتاكت في مشاريعك فهي من ضمن مكتبة شعبي للكونتاكت. كما يمكنك تكميل الكونتاكت أخر غصدار, كما ستجد في الموقع مكتبات وأصوات للكونتاكت أصوات شرقية للكونتاكت فبرنامج الكونتاكت الدي على الموقع النسخة Kontakt 6.0.3 والأغلبية تستعمل Kontakt 5


JMidiTones is a midi (Musical Interface for Digital Instruments) application that let you playing arabic (and other) music with your midi keyboard, by adding quarter tone capabilites You will probably need a virtual midi port like Maple Virtual MIDI Cable or Midi Yoke
